The presence of the Lord was evident on Sunday, 11 August 2013, as we worshiped and celebrated one year of ministry at the Campus Christian Center (C3). We gave glory to God for all He had done in the last 12 months of serving, praying, and ministering together.
Among the 100 attendees that night were representatives from nearly all the 30+ groups that regularly use C3. We heard testimonies of God at work in individual ministries. International Bible Church pastor, Ben Joseph, who also directs Friends of Internationals ministry, affirmed that C3 was a godsend and answer to prayer. Its ministry increased this year because there was a place to call “home,” serve a meal, and invite international students to discover the truths of the Bible.
Ministry leaders talked about the great blessing of having a regular and convenient place to meet that is welcoming, accommodating, close to campus, and versatile. Many talked about the “homey atmosphere” that drew their students to meet at C3. For some, the location—directly across the street from ASU, on Mill Avenue—helped their ministry to flourish. Others talked about the wonderful experience of getting to know each other and developing closer relationships among ministries by sharing the same facility. Ministry leaders shared many prayers, scriptures, and blessings.
Worship was led by Mosaic Church Praise Team, Chi Alpha (AG student group), and Campus Ambassadors. A beautiful attitude of unity and partnership was evident, and there was much excitement about the future of serving together at C3. We celebrate the Lord, who has made this possible, and we give thanks for all of you who have given, prayed, and labored with us to see this extraordinary place of ministry come alive!
Sarah Sanders