The ASU chapter of Greek IV formed last year with the focus of specifically reaching students in fraternities and sororities. We have two staff members, our team lead, Allison, and my wife, Michelle. I am currently volunteering and helping out where needed. All three of us were in a sorority or fraternity and have a serious heart for these students and their struggles. The chapter itself has seen tremendous growth in its first year, so this past spring we formed a men’s group for weekly Bible studies separate from the large group meetings.
Currently, there are about 10-12 men meeting weekly, processing through the first volume of “33: The Series,” a video program focused on authentic manhood from a biblical perspective as modeled by Jesus in his 33 years on earth. . We’ve already learned about certain behaviors that the series calls “manhood realities.” Men today live in “adult adolescence,” demonstrated by living at home, obsessive playing of video games, and shirking responsibility. The series contrasts these current manhood realities with the original design for male adults laid out by God in Genesis and by Jesus’ life. The Greek InterVarsity guys really look forward to diving into this subject each week!
C3 has been an essential resource and blessing for us! It is extremely hard to find space for a group our size that is comfortable and private, and has the electronic equipment needed for the study materials. It feels like a home away from home. So, thank you so very much for your donor support of this facility. You are truly affecting the lives of the men in our group by providing a space for them to learn more about Jesus and build community with each other.
Greg Lindsay